What Are Linked Roles?
Linked roles alow server members to connect to their favorite applications to display even more details about those applications. They are similar to auto-roles or reaction-roles but allow the display of more information! For this bot, linked roles can be used as a verified role, different statistic requirements, or just to display statistics about a player.

Creating Linked Roles
To create a linked role, head into Server Settings > Roles > Create new role. After creating a new role or choosing an existing role, you will see a new tab at the top labeled Links. Press on add requirement and select Skyblock Plus. Now you can choose what requirements a member must have (if any). All four statistics & verified will also be shown under application connections on your profile.

Obtaining Linked Roles
To obtain a linked role, head into Server Settings > Linked Roles. Select the linked role you just created and follow the instructions to connect your Discord account to Skyblock Plus. Note that you will be redirected outside of Discord to https://verify.sbplus.codes/. The bot will NEVER ask you to connect your Microsoft account so don't fall for those kind of verification scams! One you complete all the steps and meet any set requirements, you will have the linked role!
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Linked Role Features
You will now be able to see the linked role on your profile. For channels that have a linked role as a permission override, you will be able to see a tag in the chat. You can also see if a member is verified, their statistics, and Skyblock profile. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or comments!
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